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Thursday 12 September 2013


Media Studies - Introduction

Why did I choose media studies? See I could give a ton of reasons as to why I chose Media Studies. 
But one of the main reasons I chose media is because it has such a massive influence on our lives. How would we know what's going on around us without media? And not only just inform us of what's currently going on in another continent or where the next Olympics will be held, it also has a huge role in entertaining us. If you're telling me that you don't like watching films or watching television,  then you my friend, are lying. We all love to watch a good, old, classic film, or go out to the  cinema and watch the latest Fast and Furious or even just chill at home on the couch watching repeats of The Big Bang Theory. And to think none of this would exist without media! I don't know about you, but I would be devastated without TV! 

But that's not the only reason I picked media. Although I do love watching films and reading magazines, I would love to know what happens 'behind the scenes'. And not just the actual producing and making, but also tricks in the media world. Other than this, media also had a good  pass rate and looked like a lot of fun.The other subjects I had chosen were also quite academic so media helped balance it out a bit as it is a more creative subject. Oh and not to forget chances of some pretty cool trips and a possibility of work experience at the Farm Group,if I did get the chance to carry out my work experience there, it would be an  amazing opportunity. To be completely honest, I didn't consider media at all before, but after I learned more, I realized how important it was and how much fun it could be. I am definitely glad that I chose this subject, yes it will be hard but I reckon I'll enjoy it nonetheless. It is something that could also help me in the future too because media is linked to absolutely everything. I look forward to using more complicated equipment than just a phone camera and hopefully being able to produce some good work. 



  1. Excellent work. I can see how excited you are by the subject. You have clearly thought a lot about this question and are very passionate. Can you distill your ideas to a short list of aims for the next 2 years?

  2. You have given a lot of examples of the media that interests you and shown that you are passionate towards the subject. In the future shorten and include only main points.
